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“Art washes away from the soul the dust of life” – Pablo Picasso
You could hear a pin drop during part 2 of Growing Talent 20’s art project. Proving Pablo right – art whether we are good or not, definitely nurtures the soul! Something we should all take up maybe – would certainly make our work breaks more interesting!
We kicked off part two yesterday with the guys proving anyone could draw. Watching Graham Shaw’s brilliant TedEx film on YouTube, Kristina, Jess, Abraham, Joseph & Estela were soon drawing a variety of cartoon characters.
Next we had fun blind drawing! The artist looks at the object and not the paper. This gives a totally different perspective! Of course we made it more interesting by having a ‘no taking the pencil off the paper’ rule!
First we watched a YouTube film by Robert Regis Dvorak showing how it’s done. Amazing technique which of course takes practice!
After getting the idea, the fab Growing Talent Associates drew each other – firstly looking at the paper and the subject and then just looking at the subject. Howls of laughter but actually – we liked the blind drawing better – much more atmospheric!
Due to the position Joseph sat in – he was a popular subject – easy viewpoint for the others! A possible new career as an ‘Artist’s Muse’ if the Commis Chef role doesn’t work out! Below is Estela with her version of Joseph

Above, Kristina, Jess, Abraham, Joseph & Estela deep in concentration blind drawing their hands – without taking the pencil off the paper! Always up for a challenge!

All in all we decided Pablo was right. Why not give art a go yourself?