As one chapter closes….


The penultimate Talent Hub session took place today focussing on Emotional Intelligence.

This followed a robust discussion on various issues being experienced in the Hub. From legal, social housing, health to the pressure loneliness brings – especially at this time of year, ready for a new chapter starting in January 2025!

Sharing any issue which causes intense pressure – at home and work – is a critical safety valve. Finding the courage to trust and share is a different thing!

The beauty of the Talent Hub isn’t just to focus on workplace and life skills over eight weeks but to build connection and confidence things will get better.

Our final week looks at Unconscious Bias and how to manage it followed by action planning with the Talent Hub Journey Book. Life is a series of chapters. As one closes, another begins.

With the end of the year imminent, what new chapters do you hope for in 2025?