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Asher’s World

A confident, professional Asher greeted me. What a change in a few short weeks! Asher now looks like he’s worked with the Mitie team at PwC Embankment for years!
‘So tell me all’ I asked ‘It’s going really well’ answered Asher who went on to explain what he’s been doing so far.
The supportive team have all been involved in showing Asher the ropes to ensure he picks up all strands of the role easily. Working in Rapid Response, the team are responsible for the smooth and efficient delivery of all goods coming in to the building to the desks of clients who have ordered them as well as processing items leaving the building.
This isn’t always as straightforward as it sounds with clients hot desking, leavers and joiners, the team have to use all their relationship management skills and interdepartmental liaison to ensure seamless operations. Challenges everyday then!
As Asher’s confidence grows his ‘networking’ and relationship building skills increase resulting in the excellent appraisal he recently received from Steve his team manager.
Now Growing Talent has been running a number of years, most new Growing Talent Associates will have someone on site who has been through the programme themselves and knows exactly what is involved. Asher is unique in having not only Zac from the previous programme but Leo and Bodrul from the Real Apprentice – the forerunner to Growing Talent.
Asher’s team left-right…….. Leo, Bodrul, Steve, Asher and Ash.
After a chat with the team, impromptu photoshoot, I left the guys to get on with their work leaving Asher with details of the Holistic Week commencing 4 September 2017.