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Day 4 – Networking with Employers….

We rounded off the in-person part of Growing Talent’s Orientation and Holistic Week today with a networking lunch with employers!
Joining us were Anna from Department of Work and Pensions, Ella and Paul from Master-Fix Properties and Andy from ISS.
The employers started off by sharing the twists and turns of their career paths. What went right…. and what didn’t go quite as right!
Top tips of mindset to have and actions to use in engaging with everyone to make really solid connections on growing your career.
Paul, Head of Talent at Master-Fix shared his values – which have been his career compass to progress by, get to know people and what’s going on in their life – not just the work relationship. There is of course a back story to everyone that we don’t always see.
Ella, Talent Co-Ordinator at Master-Fix, shared, not only her career journey from plans to go to University in Russia, relocating organisations including the European Medical Association to working with a shoe designer and moving their business online during covid to helping to set-up a brewery business. Through this journey, she found her passion to help people – no matter what business she was in.
Andy, National Account Manager for ISS at PwC, shared his journey from the Royal Air Force, to the Oil Rigs before finding his niche in Facilities Management. Always connect with people sharing your interests. This builds rock solid work relationships.
Some of the top tips shared:
- Ask two questions – What do you do and why do you do it?
- Remember your own self-care – don’t work out of hours
- Find your values and stick to them
- Remember, there are skills and experiences behind every person you meet at work. These won’t be obvious until you take the time to get to know them.
- Always remember things about people – their child’s birthday, their love of NFL – a little snippet of personal information. When you mention this next time you meet them, you start to build a connection which leads to a solid relationship.
Above are Anna, Shari, Abbas, Andy, Ella & Paul…
Shari with Paul and Ella who she is joining on her Growing Talent journey. Featured of course is Ella’s latest piece of merchandise – the Master-Fix tote bag – diversifying her role already!!! Of course, Ella and Paul came bearing gifts with a tote bag for all of us!
Anna with Shari and Abbas. Anna’s team at JobCentre Plus support everyone on their Growing Talent journey. thanks Anna!
Tomorrow is our final day of the orientation and holistic week which comprises accreditation in the I-act Managing and Promoting Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing to ensure Shari and Abbas have the tools to put their self-care front and centre as they start their career journey….