Day One – #MHAW22 – sharing Self-Care


Each day this week I will share some of the key points taught on @Growing Talent.

We know the importance of workplace wellbeing – not just for the health of the employees but also for the health of the business. That’s why the orientation and holistic element of Growing Talent focuses on the critical area of resilience, well-being, proactive self-care and skills to support those around us.

In the UK, someone used to be seen as ‘coming of age’ when they reached their 21st birthday. Looking at the silence of mental ill health, lack of critical focus on personal self-care and resilience building as well as the rising demand for mental ill health services – for all ages – it’s clear even after 21 years of annual spotlighting the subject, we still have a long way to go.

As the Growing Talent Associates know, ‘the cavalry ain’t coming‘ – a quote from the inspirational Chris Gardiner. It’s down to us to make changes and make self-care a non-negotiable priority.

‘I haven’t got time’ is something I hear a lot. Well, make time. Here’s an uncomfortable truth – your employer will continue if you crumble. Your family and friends may not. The more self-care is practiced, the greater the resilience to deal with life events. No one gets to the end of their life wishing they’d worked harder and brought more new cars or bigger houses. They wished they said ‘I love you more’ and been there for events like a child’s school sports day. The small stuff we often ignore in our quest to be ‘successful’ is actually the big stuff.

In salute to the Mental Health Foundation’s 21st awareness week, I will be sharing a post each day on some of the tools we use on Growing Talent. We know they work. Will you try them?

Day 1 – Self Care:

Start small and work up. Using the timer on your mobile, set it for 2 minutes then play your favourite toe tapping tune and dance around your bathroom as you brush your teeth. It gets the blood pumping, clears the mind AND IT’S FUN!

Have multiple 2 minute, timed well-being windows throughout the day. You’ll be amazed the difference they’ll make.