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Dr Brené Brown – B.R.A.V.I.N.G
Brene is a 5th generation Texan who has studied the human psyche for decades. Well respected, her work is used by Mental Health organisations, business leaders and celebrities.
She has published many books and has the talent of being able to explain complex emotions easily for all to see a different perspective.
One such film I found on YouTube really struck a chord with me. She talks about ‘vulnerability being the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change‘. How ironic is it that business all want these three things but not what creates them!
Courage, connection & empathy are all we need to thrive. Brene has devised an acronym which makes human communication/interaction so clear:
B.R.A.V.I.N.G – all of the below is mutual. Simple steps we can all follow
B = Boundaries
R = Reliability
A = Accountable
V – Vault
I = Integrity
N = Non-Judgement
G = Generosity
Check her film out. It may be a revelation for you – it was for me.
Brené states ‘Shame = I am bad. Guilt = I did something bad. Shame is a prominent factor in multiple areas – depression, relationships, suicidal thoughts and so on. Empathy kills shame.’ Just connecting with someone in emotional pain makes all the difference.