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Draw along with Chris!

Chris is Growing Talent’s ‘resident artist’! Since discovering art herself, she has honed many mediums from charcol, ink, printing, wax. With a ‘day job’ in Portico’s room bookings team, Chris knows the value of having something you can ‘switch off’ from your day job is.
The response to the art class is generally one of trepidation! Growing Talent Associates don’t know what to expect. Some feel they are going to make a fool of themselves when actually everyone – even the most unreceptive to art – embraces the new skill and all find it relaxing!
First task was to draw one of the potted silk plants in the room. You can see the beginning of this work below………….
With a little patience, shading and expression, the ‘atmosphere of the drawing starts to take shape!’
Reece was really uncomfortable drawing – he’s such a perfectionist and it ‘never goes right’! However, when he relaxed and focussed on some everyday objects, he not only enjoyed it but did some great work!
Finally, after a great morning and some mindset changes, a final photo with Chris in the centre…………
Reece, Emma, Anita & Paul are all looking forward to getting back into the thick of it at work. Hopefully some lunchtimes will be spent in he park drawing rather than sitting at their desks trying to eat a sandwich with one hand and work with the other!
Let’s get back to proper breaks at lunchtime to refresh our minds and make us more productive in the aftenoons.
I’ve got my sketch pad ready – do you have yours?