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Employment – A Mountain Too High To Conquer?

Not for Ashling, Craig & John at Iron Mountain on the current Growing Talent programme! Seen in the feature photo above with Dave their manager, Becky from Growing Talent 8 & Alex from Growing Talent 5.
Since joining Iron Mountain, Alex has developed in to a project specialist working at various locations. He’s still enjoying it and has some savings – one of my key ‘nags’ on Growing Talent!
When Becky joined she had mainly retail experience so Iron Mountain was a completely different environment for her. She has supported Growing Talent many times by speaking at evening events to interested employers. One of her goals when she was on Growing Talent was to get some savings and learn to drive. She’s reached her goal and is starting lessons. Apt timing really as she’s just relocated and has a much longer travel time!
Dave with Ashling & Becky above.
Ashling is in the office dealing with the paperwork connected with Iron Mountain’s client archiving requirements. She really likes the work and the team. With a very short travel time to work, it couldn’t be better!
Craig is part of the operations team which means ‘lifting & shifting’ as well as counting and checking amongst other things. It’s ‘a free gym’ as John says!
Craig has worked previously in the logistics industry and so is really happy – it’s an environment he knows well and feels comfortable in.
John has little work experience and the longest journey! But he loves it! He explained his team and what they do. He can’t wait to be employed so he can start planning and budgeting.
All are on a great journey and making a positive impact on themselves, their family and friends as well as Iron Mountain.
Due to security protocols photos couldn’t be taken of the guys in action but believe me – they work really hard!
Thanks Dave and the team at Iron Mountain for your support.