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Final word from Annarita to those following her….

As a graduate of Growing Talent, Annarita knows exactly the journey those embarking on the programme in the future will go through. Who better to share their thoughts?…..
What are your motivational thoughts you’d pass on to others?
“Keep going! Every steps does count towards your personal growth whether its emotionally, financially or physically. Take notice, be aware and step back to look at what you have achieved as each day passes by. One day you will find you have obtained all the things you wanted to.”
Are there any top tips you’d pass on for completing Growing Talent?
“Try to take in all the information given. You may feel you don’t need it right now but at some point down the line you will realise you do.”

Thinking about your experience on the Growing Talent journey and where you are now just going into employment, if you could go back to the beginning, would you still apply for Growing Talent?
“Definitely. It’s given me the chance to step in the door and get back on the career ladder”.
Have you learned anything about yourself on this journey?
“It’s about focussing on the journey not the destination. The smallest stepping stones build-up and lead you to the ‘rock of your dreams'”
So if you are thinking about applying to Growing Talent, why not follow Annarita – you have nothing to lose…….