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Give Yourself the Edge – by Ben Noah

Day 3 of the Growing Talent Orientation Week saw Ben return to deliver his bespoke ‘Give Yourself the Edge’ presentation. Ben has delivered this very successful workshop for the last four Growing Talent cohorts.
After a solid career in international hotel and front of house management, Ben has unique skills in identifying service to exceed expectation – exactly what the Growing Talent Associates need to do to secure those jobs on completion and grow their careers.
Ben started his workshop by sharing his career journey into the world of hospitality and hotel management including global roles. There was huge interest and interaction throughout the hour, not least when Ben produced blindfolds!
Ben’s insight into communication – especially tone and how this changes without us even realising it, if we slouch, when talking over the telephone for instance, was priceless.
Smiling is such an important part of communication. It’s also the most painful for people who don’t naturally smile. They can often be misjudged. Ben had a useful tip– keep a photo on your mobile that makes you smile – a loved one, special scene etc.
With some top tips from Ben we broke for lunch. Ben was promised a three course relaxing lunch. Of course this didn’t happen! The Associates took the opportunity of asking more questions and getting some excellent advice.
Thanks Ben!