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Good planning is the answer….
It’s easy to say ‘time will pass’. Of course, it’s absolutely true but it will still be difficult for most of us to get through the unprecedented impact of Coronavirus over the coming weeks/months.
Some of us will loose a lot despite Government interventions – jobs, businesses, homes, relationships, our mental well being and so on.
Whilst Coronavirus may be completely out of our control, how we look on this period is completely within our control.
Action for Happiness is an excellent online organisation posting well-being thoughts. The feature photo above is from Action for Happiness and an excellent foundation for us to use as a basis to plan our journey through the challenging period ahead.
Let’s take each point in turn in the photo and consider making it work for us:
- Consider drawing up a schedule to set-up video calls with your friends/relations and call them at a regular time each day. Note down three of your top techniques for keeping calm. This might include breathing patterns, visualisation of happy places or mindfulness.
- Maybe use different perfume soaps and sing a couple of bars of your happy song – one that makes you smile.
- Consider making this a poster that you can reflect on every day
- Water is free – consider making a chart to see if you can drink a tumbler every hour. Try different ingredients or cooking methods to mix things up.
- Check out the indoor exercises on YouTube. Consider doing this with family and friends on WhatsApp Video.
- Remember the 2metre rule when helping others
- Your feelings are important. It’s natural to go through times of positivity and negativity. Key is to recognise and not dwell on the negativity.
- We all need time to just be. Make sure you take this time for yourself.
- There is a great film on YouTube called ‘It’s not about the nail’ -check this out. It will really help you understand how important listening is.
- Sleep is so important. It’s ok if you can’t sleep. Get up and relax for a while before trying again. One top tip is to repeat the word ‘the’ over and over. It helps the brain ‘switch off’ I’m told by a Health & Safety expert.
- This could be five things from your garden or window if you don’t have a garden.
- Find something connected to your interests or something you’ve always wanted to know more about.
- Remember, everyone else is in the same boat so take a breath and spread happiness and understanding where you can.
- When was the last time you played Cludo, Monopoly or something else from your childhood. Not only does this evoke happy memories it’s good to switch off from technology now and then.
- Is now the time to finish that project you started some time ago?
- Music is proven to affect our mood. Why not spend some time listening to some music from a favourite genre or era?
- There are a wealth of free on-line courses – why not check some out?
- One idea that springs to mind is dancing whilst preparing dinner?
- Maybe you could compose and send a poem via email
- Now this isn’t going to be consuming a shed load of chocolate nor a crate of wine! Think about what will enhance your self-care and mental well-being.
- Especially important for those we’ve lost touch with. Now might be the time to re-connect.
- Whilst all headlines are about Coronavirus, there are feel good stories there too. Focus on these.
- It’s interesting to remember how young the internet and smart phones are! We managed before their invention. Start by reducing your tech time if having a day tech free is too hard.
- Can you change what you are worrying about? If not, why are you wasting time worrying about it?
- Make a list of everyone you know and note these points. It will help you see those you need to keep close and those you need to let go
- Looking at some goals you’ve made or are making for your self. What would be a good first step in reaching these?
- Saying ‘thank you’ means so much to those receiving it. The method you use to say it can add to that value – e.g. a handwritten note
- Coronavirus is a moment in time. It will end. Why not make arrangements to do something special with family/friends later this year?
- If you have a garden and can physically get out into it this will be easy to do. If you don’t why not pick a particular view from your window and check the changes you notice everyday?
- Clear and logical. A mantra we should all remember.
Whether you follow this plan or not, remember all situations pass in time. Be kind to yourself and those around you. Ultimately, all will be well..