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Growing Talent 7 – JCP Information Day

Opps!, Jo noticed the camera!!!!
Jo, Anna & Shirley from JCPLondon are the leads on Growing Talent from JobCentre Plus and arranged this day to share the opportunity with colleagues across London. Being on holiday didn’t stop Anna who came in and arranged to take her children for a picnic by the Thames after – now that’s dedication!!!!
Today saw the information exchange day with Work Coaches and District Leads from JobCentre Plus – Essex – South, East and West London.
After an introduction, I went straight into the format of the programme and what’s involved before handing over to Chris.
Chris elequently shared his journey on Growing Talent 2 – the highs and lows along with what he has done in the year since and what he hopes to do going forward. His story included his growth into a trainer – delivering not only workshops on workplace communication and poetry but also as a newly qualified Mental Health First Aid Instructor.
This was an eye opening session for members of JobCentre Plus who have not been involved in Growing Talent before. It showcased the potential opportunities for their clients.
After an interesting Q&A session, Chris had to go back to work.
Jo spoke about the process from JobCentre Plus’s side, the issues encountered previously and how they were rectified. The conversation then flowed with ideas on how districts could manage their submissions and screening.
There was a lot of interest in the room for getting local employers involved. It is a ‘no brainer’ way for employers to recruit. The support for all stakeholders by all stakeholders makes the journey all the more interesting and successful.
Watch this space!