How fit is your brain?


I had a really interesting conversation with Kate from Food For The Brain Foundation an innovative charity that teaches the impact of nutrition on the brain – all backed by academic and scientific research.

Check them out – it’s free to register and receive their newsletter also free to take their cognitive test – see if your lifestyle and nutrition is going to impact your brain health in the future. 

What do I mean? Did you know only 1% of Alzheimers is caused through genes?

Check out their website below….

A huge amount of information can be found on the drop down menus from nutritional advice for different mental ill health issues through to the ideal nutrition for different ages throughout life – currently under development.

There are diverse articles with tips on issues from sleeping well to how gut health affects moods and so much more.

So check out this mine of information website and analyse how fit your brain is now and how fit will it be in the future!