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Is opportunity knocking?
Every time a new technology is introduced, it’s hard for everyone to see its potential and viability to work changing lives for the better. Where would the world be without the great inventors throughout history devising their ideas into prototypes and trying to get backing to bring it to market? How many laughed at their endeavours? Yet they didn’t stop. They kept going with their belief this would benefit people.
We’d all agree we couldn’t do without computers in our pocket – also known as smart phones. Yet when computers first came out they were viewed as not making any great difference to our lives. Only their inventers saw the future potential for humankind. Now we couldn’t do without this technology.
So looking at the report that Dominic Cummings is supporting this ‘new’ technology of sucking CO2 out of the air seems incredulous. But it has proven to work in submarines for decades – why not in the atmosphere too? Of course at the start of any new technology, the invention is hugely expensive and the equipment massively bulky but history shows it will not stay that way.
Imagine the jobs that could be created, the better health of humans breathing better air, better vegetation to feed our planet and so on. The potential knock on industries and jobs with this technology could be huge.
The State of the Planet, Earth Institute at Columbia University blog has really interesting facts about the potential to use CO2 collected through this proposed initiative. McKinsey & Co (global management consultants) estimate there is $800million – $1trillion business in realising CO2’s possible wider uses in the building materials industry for one. It can be converted into either a liquid or a solid. So many potential uses for a byproduct of air that could be used to our benefit instead of detriment.
In the UK, contacts at JobCentre Plus estimate Coronavirus and Covid-19 will see unemployment hit 3 million. We’ve seen the hit to all industries especially the airline and hospitality industries not to mention the knock-on businesses in their supply chains and local communities.
Isn’t it time to think differently?
We know CO2 is currently used in refrigeration, cooling systems and fire extinguishes. If it works well here, why not in the new industries this initiative could open us? Climate change is crucial if we want the planet to be healthy for our children following us.
On paper it seems very exciting. According to the press, £100million has been won to invest in this new technology. Will we seize the day and open up this portal of opportunity or will we over analyse and see someone else pick up the ball?
We’ve got to try, haven’t we?