Partner sites
Let’s talk numbers!….

All fabulously talented, but currently unemployed applicants had a whirlwind experience at our getting to know you event with employers earlier this week.
All 17 confirmed they wanted to go forward.
After a frantic, yet strangely energising 48 hours, 16 completed personal profile sheets are in and now with the employers.
I feel connected with every one of those 16 through our new format, and I know from comments they have given me they are feeling more confident going into the 1st stage selection with employers on Monday 14th October.
Each of the 16 have courage, integrity and determination – they can’t all see yet – but they will!
It amazes me how so many individuals from completely different backgrounds come together, support each other so quickly after meeting for the first time!
Alex, Antoinette, Dejanae, Elizabeth, Filsan, Hosil, Luliia, Kimberley, Leena, Mark, Jibrail, Mark, Rahime, Riaz, Sarah & Yohana – know you are amazing.
CIS Security Limited, SPS Portico ISS A/S – you are in for a treat!
Thanks to everyone behind the scenes who collaborate to make Growing Talent happen
David Steeds Rob Matthews (Anna) & the JCP teams across London
Matthew Izekor & team at Southwark Care Leavers
Adrienne Simpson
Adam Bushell
Allen Salmon