Moving on………


After a solid return to employment with the support of Growing Talent & Harrow Green, Joshua has secured a role nearer home and will be moving on in a couple of weeks.


He arrived at Growing Talent on the 4th programme with a beaming smile, although a little shy, there was clearly huge ambition inside Joshua.  After completing his sports degree he found it hard identifying a role until he discovered Growing Talent. Having learnt a lot with the team at Harrow Green, he found stability and more importantly started saving!  Remember, money gives us options so as soon as you can, get some savings together – no matter how small, regular savings will soon grow!


‘Josh goes with my blessing.  He’s worked so hard and been an integral part of the team.’ Sharon at Harrow Green.




Joined by James and Sam


In the photo above, Joshua is far left in his new Harrow Green uniform just after starting Growing Talent 4 – behind Sharon with some fellow Growing Talent Associates & Graduates – James & Sam from Growing Talent 2.


Josh is joining DPD much nearer to his home.  With the fasttrack management opportunities there, it won’t be long before Josh is moving again……. into a management role I’m sure.


Since completing Growing Talent, Josh has returned to support those following him, giving encouragement to all.  Now it’s time for Josh to continue his journey and grow a little more!


Best wishes Joshua from Growing Talent & Harrow Green