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New direction for Leah………….

Leah joined on Growing Talent 6 in the Summer of 2015. A graduate with a passion for business, communication and marketing, Leah was selected by Portico for their Enjoy Work client at Chiswick as Welcome Host. Despite the long journey, Leah absorbed the training from Natasha, Anna and the team and was quickly managing a building alone. Getting to know the clients well and making their experience of Portico better where possible.
Shortly after arriving, she compiled a site ‘How to’ manual, and made the process for security and deliveries smoother. In November 2015 Leah was nominated for an award – known as Captain’s Moment. This followed a trial of Magic Makers – volunteers who enhance event experience – a bit like the Games Makers of the London Olympics fame. Those who submitted Leah for the award said ‘right from the start Leah brought great ideas to the table and took great pride in seeing them through. No one could have smiled more or been more willing. It was clear to see, when Leah has fun – everyone does’. ‘Leah went above and beyond to enhance the experience for all’.
This is typical of Leah. She grabs every opportunity, contributes ideas and has a can do attitude whilst smiling infectiously.
Along with Marta, Leah won the Social Enterprise idea during her Orientation Week. She has contributed lots of ideas for those following her on Growing Talent, from being a judge on the Social Enterprise panel to sharing a health and wellbeing worksheet she devised at work for Growing Talent Associates to use.
Leah below receiving her Certificate for completing Growing Talent from Natasha – manager at Portico….
She is leaving Portico now to join a new company as Marketing Recognition Co-ordinator for Europe where we know she will do well.
Leah is a shining role model for aspiring Growing Talent Associates with her outlook of be positive and enthused, embrace every opportunity, contribute and learn – the recipe to success.
What an amazing journey so far………………… undoubtedly more triumphs ahead.
We wish you well Leah!