Orientation the Growing Talent way……..


Always held prior to going on site, this week contains a variety of workshops to build confidence and team spirit – pivatol for the journey ahead!


For Growing Talent 18 Associates, this fell on Monday 6 August and ran until Friday 10 August inclusive.  Below are some of the challenges conquered…………


First workshop – Refuel, Renewal & Refresh was delivered by Lesley Head of H&S at a global financial services Firm.  Sharing tips of staying energised in both mind and body.


Tuesday saw the Good, the Bad & the Ugly of communication with Jade from Customer Care First…. Jade shared knowledge on tone, body language, conversations to have – and not have! volume and much more.  Including a great slide ‘You say it best when you say nothing at all’ – we all know that’s from a well known song but haven’t we all thought the same thing at times?


Emma was a new presenter from Balloons and the Brain – a great little cafe supporting those with mental ill health.  Emma devised and ran an art class that they guys can adapt during lunch breaks etc.  What better way to calm the mind than get creative?


Some results of Emma’s workshop….


And more….


The week culminated in each Growing Talent Associate presenting their personal idea for a Social Enterprise to be based in their local community, target a particular demographic, deliver a revenue stream and have growth potential.


Judges included Amrik from Regent Group, Lauren from Honeywell, Allen from a global financial services firm and Anna from JobCentre Plus.



We had some fantastic ideas around community integration.  However the overall winner was Tom who collected his £50 cash award from Allen of a global financial services Firm.

Following the presentations, the judges shared their thoughts on all the excellent projects they had heard.

The week was rounded off with a great networking lunch with the employers’ sharing their top tips for successful employment……



Check back to see how the fabulous Growing Talent Associates get on…..