Orientation Week Evaluations………. Thoughts please!


be yourself

After a full on week of workshops, challenges, case studies etc, what did the Growing Talent 19 Associates learn about themselves?


‘Just to be myself”

‘I need to be considerate about body language and social behaviour’

‘I can apply and adapt myself through any situation’

‘I have more ability than I give myself credit for’

‘I’ve seen my confidence grow’


What were the best bits of this week for you?


‘I really liked the cv workshop and the handshake training, increased my confidence and networking skills;.

‘We were kept on our feet a lot.  The free food was great but I liked meeting new people most of all.’

‘I liked the different activities with different speakers – each had different styles’.

‘Learning new skills was the best thing for me’.

‘The communication workshops were great.


Is the Orientation Week a good idea?


‘The Orientation week prepares you for the role, teamwork, confidence, how to communicate in the workplace’.

‘It’s very helpful and worth doing’

‘Orientation Week is essential, I don’t think I would be as prepared as I currently am without it”

‘In my opinion, I like to get as much as possible out of the scheme.  The Orientation Week is definitely worth doing.

‘Absolutely 100%. It provides very useful lifelong skills for the workplace to prepare you. It also gives you tips you won’t get elsewhere’


‘It’s essential to do the Orientation Week.  You learn stuff you wouldn’t elsewhere – no one tells you’.