Poster Campaign…….. Launch January 2018!


One of the difficulties of Growing Talent is the time pressure on Job Centre Plus’s Work Coaches in referring their unemployed clients to the programme.


So the question is, how to get the message to people visiting the Job Centres that Growing Talent exists without Work Coaches having to refer them?


The provisional job offer at the start is highly attractive as is the 24/7 mentoring.  There is time to learn all aspects of the permanent job on offer, the team, the employer without the uncertainty of leaving benefits.  Equally, the employer and team get to see your skills and potential, learning about your personality and match to their company without you trying to cover these points in a standard interview.


All fares are covered by JobCentre Plus.  So there is nothing to loose!


Our solution:  get someone who has been through the programme to come up with a poster which gives all the key points without being too text heavy enabling applicants to apply direct.    Enter Rehana!


Rehana did Growing Talent almost two years ago and joined Portico as a member of the Front of House team on completion.  She’s still there and supported those following her.


With lots of design ideas, Rehana came up with a few options.  The uniqueness of the one in the feature photo made it ‘the one’.


A3 copies are being printed and despatched to the key Job Centres in London for onward despatch to those offices in their region this week ready for launch in 2018.


With the posters displayed in the reception areas of Job Centres, interested applicants can apply direct removing the burden from work coaches.


We wait to see the response to Rehana’s fantastic poster………