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Shh………. it’s Taboo!

Isn’t it strange how a subject that affects 1 in 4 people is still taboo to talk about openly – especially in the workplace. It’s excellent to see a full page advertorial in The Metro today by Time to Change on the experience of paramedic Neil Hemingway. With the right treatment and support of his employer, Neil is still a productive member of the emergency services.
The cost to business and families where mental health issues are ignored can be huge.
‘Poor mental health carries an economic and social cost of £105 billion a year in England. The business cost of mental ill health among the UK workforce is £26 billion’ taken from A Manifesto for Better Mental Health by The Mental Health Policy Group – General Election 2015.
The numbers are huge and will only increase with social factors including unemployment. This is why at Growing Talent we strongly believe education in the area of mental health is crucial to long-term employability. We deliver the global Mental Health First Aider training as part of our holistic week.
Remember there is no health without good mental health – so let’s start talking about it!