Some thoughts on Growing Talent….


So what did the Growing Talent Associates really think of the Orientation Week?

Let’s see what their anonymous evaluations say……

Everyone’s confidence increased visibly on the scale. Great to see and for the guys to recognise. As Epictetus once said ‘it’s not things in themselves that upset us, but how we look at those things’ – so true…

What did you learn about yourself?

‘I’m more capable than I thought’

‘So much!’

‘I still have a long way to go with self-confidence’

What are you thoughts on the Orientation Manual?

‘It’s a great guide’

‘Very informative’

‘Very comprehensive – a constant referral source’

What was it like delivering your Social Enterprise idea?

‘I was so nervous! Jane is a good mentor and coach so just seeing her in the room was a reassuring presence. I loved thinking and researching my ideas which helped me overcome by fear’

‘It was terrifying for me personally, but with everything I learned over the orientation week, helped me to get through it’

‘It was nerve wracking but towards the end I felt it went much better.’

In your view is it worth doing the Orientation Week?

‘The orientation week is amazing and has helped boost my confidence. I think it has also helped prepare me for the employment training part.’

‘As someone who suffers from anxiety and depression, I’ve found the orientation week very helpful. it’s helped build both my confidence and communication.’

‘I think the orientation week is the perfect introduction to equip us for starting work especially when I have been out of work for such a long time. Knowing what to expect and how to deal with is it like putting on your football boots before a game!’

Are you glad you applied for Growing Talent?

‘Soooo glad, best start I could hope for to get my life back on track.’

‘Very much so: it’s helped me get into more meaningful employment’


Can’t say fairer than that!!!!