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‘Still can’t believe I work here’ – Jordan Marjolin’s story

‘Jordan was part of the second Growing Talent. Below is his story. Since completing Growing Talent in August 2014, he has been employed as a Welcome Host with the Portico team that trained him at PwC’s London offices….. He has also continued to support Growing Talent, encouraging those following him.
‘Growing Talent is an amazing opportunity for people of all ages that are actively seeking work. What I loved most was the variety of the programme and how it teaches you valuable life skills. It is because of this course and my lovely mentors Jane and Jo that I am where I am today working at PwC. If you have the right attitude and want to work but just haven’t been given the chance to prove yourself then growing talent is the answer.
Before joining the programme last year I was a minimum wage gym instructor with no direction or confidence. At the Assessment & Selection Day for Growing Talent Jade and Kiran – managers from Portico – selected me to do Growing Talent with their team at PwC’s HQ in London. I hadn’t heard of Portico or PwC and I didn’t really know what a Welcome Host was.
There was a lot of information to take in. Portico manages the welcome at all PwC’s offices so a Welcome Host has the responsibility of ensuring the reputation of both organisations is maintained and to deliver an exceptional front of house service. Kiran, Ewa and the entire team – including Simon, Portico’s MD – couldn’t have been more encouraging. Gradually my confidence grew.
I have now been a Welcome Host for almost six months. I sometimes still can’t believe I work where I do as I never thought I’d even step foot in a corporate environment, and that is why I will always be forever thankful.’
Growing Talent Graduates are always keen to support the programme and those following them. Featured 1-r are Comfort, James, Jordan and Kavita amazingly confident, talented individuals!