The pressure is on………..


Jane James

…..for many of us ……..

The start of another week in the cold winter month of November. December is just around the corner and the run-up to Christmas will be ramped up. Dark mornings and darker evenings – aren’t always cosy for all.

Along with all the advertising for Christmas on tv, radio, social media, in the shops etc, ramping up will be the pressure we put on ourselves to be responsible for the happiness of everyone around us.

Are we really responsible for the happiness of others? Does their happiness really depend on the biggest or most costly present we get them? Have we failed if we don’t host the most awesome Christmas celebration with mountains of food we wouldn’t buy any other time of the year?

Or is this our mind overthinking again?

We all know the greatest gift we can give anyone is our time, kindness, encouragement and empathy – none of which cost any money at all but the value to those we choose to give them too is huge and will stay with them.

Building mind muscle to challenge pressures and negative thoughts when they hit, is something I’ve long lived by and share in all of my workshops.

We have to train our minds like puppy dogs to challenge the negative thoughts it will always jump to.

Take the pressure off……

…… Start with kindness to yourself.