Top Tips from Growing Talent 23 Associates


Passing on some thoughts below to those following the Growing Talent Associates on future journeys:

‘Come with an open mind and you’ll be transformed’ Brandon

‘You get out as much as you put in. Don’t give-up. Determination will lead your journey to great rewards’ Jordan

‘Inside of you is a great person. Fake it until you become it. I hope to meet you one day’ Romain.

‘You will grow in knowledge and as a person.’ Sheldon

‘The greatest journey can come from the most unlikely of opportunities.’ James

‘Don’t be afraid to ask for help – two people can carry a load faster than one’ Stephan

‘You learn something new everyday on Growing Talent and from the rest of the Group’ Miyuki

‘Stay determined and driven no matter what happens. Success will find its way to you’ Michael

Now you’ve heard it from those that know – why not apply yourself?