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Unravelling Minds….

Emma from Unravelling Minds and CBT Cafe (Cake Before Therapy – my favourite kind of CBT!) returned to Growing Talent to deliver her ever popular art therapy workshops.
Emma sets the scene by sharing her journey from where she felt she was coping well as a highly professional person with a career in fashion she loved coping with tight deadlines and other pressures to crashing out with a full mental health breakdown. She shares how her recovery has developed over recent years to now being able to help others.
Emma showed various examples of her work and that of others she knows who use art as a coping mechanism.
She then set a challenge to the guys to do one of three tasks. The first is to draw a heart of everything you love that’s really important. It’s crucial for our happiness to reflect on the small things that make us smile. The second was to start off with a doodle and see where it took you. Distracting the mind evokes calmness – something we should all do throughout the day! Finally, graffiti on newspapers. Finding a photo or word and changing it.
You could hear a pin drop! Everyone agreed it was a great, relaxing workshop and something they could carry on with.