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What a day ahead!

The 29th @Growing_Talent Employers’ speed dating session commences at 3pm today in London!
The temperature along with the excitement is set to rise as insightful employers join us to search for the local, currently hidden, talent of our unemployed communities.
Growing Talent delivers a level playing field for both employers and those looking to secure a permanent job with an employer of integrity.
No cvs. No Job descriptions = No assumptions.
I know first hand the positive impact the Growing Talent journey has had on everyone involved over the years.
So looking forward to the new journeys ahead that start today for some.
Growing Talent only works because of the collaboration involved.
A big thank you to our funders (private business – not Government) to #JobCentrePlus especially #AnnaMatthews & David Steeds joint cheerleaders and their respective teams, our insightful employers Masterfix GB LimitedOffice ConciergeRestore plc, ISS Facility Services UKSwiss Post Solutions of course a big thank you to our currently unemployed applicants attending today – your courage in trying something new is inspiring.
What have you got on today?