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What a Difference A Year Makes!……….. Sophia’s Experience

It is hard to believe it has been a year already since I first joined ‘Growing Talent’s pilot scheme, and I certainly would have never imagined that a year on I would feel so comfortable in the role I now fill.
I don’t know how a year could have passed so quickly, it feels like just yesterday I was bleaching the tiles in my parents’ home just to have something to do whilst unemployed. Yet now I sit behind my own desk working hard, and looking forward to what the future has in store for me.
Looking back over time, it is clear to see how in such a short time frame ‘Growing Talent’ has dramatically changed my life for the better. Not only has it given me confidence in my abilities, but it has also given me reassurance that if I put my mind to something I can succeed in anything. Besides my ever growing confidence, the programme has provided me with a job that has allowed me to move out of my parent’s home and into my own.
The benefits of working full time and being self-sufficient are wonderful of course, but I probably wouldn’t be working for Mitie without the lovely Jane James and her passion for getting people into secure jobs. She has helped to get me and others like myself on to the road of building a career for ourselves and bettering our opportunities.
I am happy to now say that I no longer smell like a walking bottle of bleach, I can now leave my house and interact with other human beings, as I am not scared any more of venturing outside with the ever creeping guilt of spending money, all thanks to ‘Growing Talent’.