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17-21 July 2017 saw the Orientation Week for Growing Talent 14 at Southwark Cathedral. This week prepares the Growing Talent Associates for life on site and is aim at boosting confidence and self-esteem.
Selected by Pertemps, Melia White House and ME Hotel in London and well as Portico, all would be joining the companies in front-line, customer facing roles. Excitement and nerves go hand in hand!
Monday – My Life – a presentation in pictures of key milestones the aim of which is to show everyone has difficulties which they conquer and these difficulties are a great reminder of our ability to conquer anything if we look at it the right way.
Lesley, seen below and in the feature photo, from PwC’s H&S team shared her innovative thoughts on Refuel, Renewal and Rejuvinate designed to keep us focussed and fit in the workplace.
After lunch, the Growing Talent Associates had a tour of Southwark Cathedral by Linda Ridgers-Waite a very experienced tour guide. Using the history of the Cathedral, Linda is able to give examples of people through the ages who had an opportunity to achieve something, grabbed it with both hands without really knowing what they were doing – great synergy with the Associates! Pineapples were used decoratively everywhere. Pauline asked why? As a hugely expensive fruit in the 17-19 centuries it represented luxury. If offered to a guest, it was a sign of a very warm welcome.
Some brainstorming thoughts on potential Social Enterprise ideas. To get in the mood, random everyday objects were selected for a 2 minute presentation delivering a unique selling point.
Key communication skills including conflict, assertiveness, gap analysis and case studies ensured all went home suitably tired!