What’s the emotional temperature of your people?


Emotional Intelligence is the critical skill required to equip businesses to flourish during this 5th Industrial Revolution – the combination of AI and EI in the workplace. Without EI businesses will fail.

Your teams’ emotions affect their thoughts. Their thoughts affect their behaviours which in turn, affect everyone + your bottom line, ability to stay current in your market and, of course, your brand reputation.

At Growing Talent, we prepare diverse unemployed people on their journey to employment with your business once selected. It’s important for this new talent, and the existing talent you have, to be working in an optimum emotionally intelligent environment to flourish.

The following is offered by www.janejamesconsultancy.com. Contact jane@thejjc.net to discuss further.

Assessments available:

Emotional Culture Index – an online temperature of where your teams really are

Self – An individual’s view of their six core competencies

180 – Self above plus one group of raters usually direct reports

360 – Self plus – peers, line management, plus other connections – (clients, partner agencies etc)

All assessments include agreed coaching sessions and development tips manual to ensure revealed results can be actioned, emotional intelligence developed and identified gaps closed.

There are specific Self, 180 and 360 assessments for Workplace, Leadership and Sales environments. 

What sets Genos apart from competitors in the global field?

Time – 6 competencies, 7 questions each competency = just 42 questions in total

Digital – enables flexibility for completion/debriefing and coaching online

Qualitative data – raters score on the importance of each competency and how well this is demonstrate. Gaps are easily identified.

Context – raters qualitative text enables understanding/acceptance of how you really ‘show-up’ and how your behaviours effect then.

Coaching development – onward coaching to develop actions identified during this process to ‘close the gaps’

Bespoke assessments – to meet the requirements of your leadership team, sales team, non-managers

Group debriefs – great for peer teams to work together

Not sure if your business is ready to embrace this critical tool?

Two options for you to consider:

First – Emotional Culture Index 

Before looking at the Index, what is Emotional Culture? and why is it important to business?

Your teams are human, not robots. Their emotions will impact their thoughts which in turn impacts their behaviours, relationships and ultimately the health of your business.

To remain current with the market you operate in and make your brand one which is respected and of choice, Emotional Intelligence has to be front and centre.

The pictures below curtesy of Genos International Europe and show the potential impact of emotions on actions in your workplace:



The Emotional Culture Index (ECI) is a short, quick, online survey which captures the gaps in your teams’ emotions enabling you to take action before serious impact on your business.

The picture below is curtesy of Genos International Europe and shows sample results of an ECI. Wouldn’t you like this detailed knowledge in your business?

Second – How do you show-up?

An interactive virtual understanding of how our behaviours impact others and can last decades!

If you want your business to be operating at optimum levels in this 5th Industrial Revolution of #AI meeting #EI – you know what to do to find out more!