Why it’s a good idea to not always know where you are going……


In short, you come across little gems when you get ‘lost’!


This morning I was invited by Aakash to present at his team’s morning meeting in Kendal Road, W10.  Not knowing the area at all, I did the usual Google research and confused myself further!  I decided to walk rather than get a bus from Westbourne Park Station as it only looked ‘4 cms’ on Google!  It turned out to be a very long 4cms!


What an amazing stroll beside the Grand Union Canal.  In the feature picture, there is an art installation of paintings and statues at the quayside of residential homes.  The narrowboats docked have names including ‘Lazybones’ which created a peaceful ambiance.  Unfortunately there is a lot of traffic on the path.  Apart from pedestrians I encounter cyclists – some clearly in a race, joggers, mums with prams and dog walkers all trying to avoid each other.  Yet there seemed a sense of tranquility in the air.


Of course I was there early and so went ‘walkabout’.  I found a lot of people walking into a metal gate – like a carpark.  Of course I had to investigate!  When I looked up it was Innocent’s offices.  What looked like a pub on the corner in fact sold chairs!  All of these sights would have been missed had I jumped a bus from the station to JCP’s offices.


There was a good interactive audience.   Luckily for me, Aakash and Karim managed my powerpoint presentation – all I had to do was stand and talk!


Returning via bus outside JCP’s offices made the return journey much quicker but much less scenic and tranquil!


Try getting lost a few times and notice whats all around if we only take the time to look……