Word is…………


We all know the saying ‘believe nothing you hear and only 50% of what you read’.  It can be difficult getting a true picture of any situation.  Often we reflect on the evidence we know, trust our instinct and make a decision.


A traditional ‘Leap of Faith’.  On Growing Talent we ask Associates nearing the end who have virtually completed all areas of the programme to give their tips/advice to those following them.


The following are thoughts from some of the guys……….


‘Congratulations on being selected to be part of this amazing programme.  You will learn a lot about the world of work, people around you and yourself.  3 months sounds a really long time.  Believe me it’s worth it and it goes quick.  Be positive during the programme in order to prosper and be hired!  Don’t give up – you can do it!’ Anna


‘Listen to the Growing Talent team’s advice and you won’t go wrong.  This programme has really motivated me and given me a lot of confidence.  I never thought I’d present to a panel – ever!  But I did.  You will get days when you feel a little demotivated but keep going – it’s worth it in the end.  I’m really pleased with what I’ve achieved so far and recommend Growing Talent to anyone.  Keep going and enjoy!’, Ann


‘I was scared to accept the place on Growing Talent.  I didn’t believe it was so good.  It’s a long journey but the best feeling at the end.  I am proud of myself.  My top tip is don’t be scared to stand up and talk.  Just think positively.  The 3 months has gone quick.  I appreciate zinc am thankful to Growing Talent.  Thanks for the opportunity.’ Liliana


‘I highly recommend Growing Talent.  It can seem a bit of a struggle when you are putting in the hours and not paid.  But the 3 months goes quicker than you think.  This is especially true when learning and applying things you have learnt.  The key is to stay motivated!  You have to struggle to succeed. It is always worth it in the end.  Stay enthusiastic and true to yourself.  Remember why you are doing this.  Give your life purpose and strive after your goals.  Don’t let any workplace politics or hearsay stop you doing what you need to do.  You are doing this for you.  To have a better chance.  Grab the opportunity and show everyone what you are made of.  In the end, you will look back and wonder whatever made you doubt yourself.’ Amy.


‘Stick to it – even if it feels too much; it will be worth it in the end.  Don’t give-up.  Make the most of this opportunity.  Network with people – this can lead to further opportunities’.  Sara


‘When I joined Growing Talent, I did not know what to expect.  My top tip is to take very moment in the palm of your hand.  I was energetic, enthusiastic, willing to learn new things to help me get a career.  You should always attend and be on time.  Have a great attitude.  Always listen to others.  Ask questions so you understand what it is you are doing.’ Shane


New careers are about to start at Melia Hotel, ME Hotel & MitieTDM…..


Some excellent food for thought and pearls of wisdom from those that know.  You can trust 100% of this!