Zest for Life!


As you can see from the feature photo Lesley, Head of Health Safety & Environment at PwC, certainly worked her magic on the Growing Talent Associates with her innovative 3Rs workshop.

Focussing on Refuel, Renewal and Rejuvenate, Lesley shared facts, top tips and busted some myths around staying healthy at work – and at home!

The above is not an alien but a worker of the future drawn by Daniel, Tequila, Juliet and Debbie describing changes to their bodies that would help them do their jobs. Of course we can’t adapt these physical changes but we can use the knowledge Lesley shared to stay healthy and pressure free.

Debbie & Juliet devising three questions for Daniel and Tequila to answer based on what they learned from Lesley!

Of course Tequila & Daniel did the same!

I’m really pleased to say both teams got all questions right!

Check back to see how Tequila gets on at her employer Churchill Services, Daniel with Pertemps and Juliet & Debbie both going to Park Plaza Hotel at Westminster.