Is Growing Talent for you?

Yes, if you are unemployed, have a positive attitude, enthusiasm to learn, commitment to work and are over 18 – no upper age limit! With no cvs, job descriptions or formal job interviews - Growing Talent is different. Employers select based on their view of your ability to grow into their role. Note: you must already be resident in the UK. All roles are currently based in London.

Key points to taking part in Growing Talent

  1. A provisional job offer at the start ensures you know salary, benefits, hours and career progression - no surprises!
  2. From June 2020 Growing Talent will be 4 weeks long comprising an orientation and holistic week to build life and work skills as well as self esteem before joining the employer for training in the vacant role for three weeks
  3. Once selected, all parts of Growing Talent are mandatory.
  4. You do not pay anything for the orientation and holsitic week workshops or accredited qualification in positive mental health. From August 2022, during the four week in-role training, you be paid by the employer on a temp basis. On successful conpletion, the permanent role is yours.
  5. You will need to provide Right to Work documentation. Note - employers have different onboarding checks which may include a basic police check, finance check etc.
  6. No data is stored on this website. Note our Legal terms on the front page of this website for information on our GDPR etc.