Disruption – a good thing?


Sometimes a little disruption to the norm is needed!

Jane James

The screenshot above is part of a post Bolaji issued on linked it and contained a number of her excellent suggestions on who to recruit better.

I reposted Bolaji’s thoughts with my own and how we’ve disrupted the recruitment norm:

@BolajiShote illustrates what recruiters of integrity have been saying and doing for years! The points Bolaji sets out are simple, clear and logical for recruiting employers to follow. I might put them in a slightly different order of importance to me.

#Ghosting – remember, people will never forget how you made them feel. Not feeding back after an interview can leave people feeling worthless and negatively impact their performance at their next interview. But here’s the other thing to remember that could directly impact those ‘Ghosters’ – the candidate you have ghosted could be interviewing you in a few years time – they won’t forget you…. ever.

Growing Talent we recognised a little disruption to the norm was needed.That’s why almost 10 years ago Growing Talent commenced – no cvs, no formal interviews, therefore, no assumptions. Almost 200 people aged 18-64 from all different social economic backgrounds have secured jobs they have grown into careers which they would never have secured through the traditional recruitment method.

Our collaboration with #JobCentrePlus, their partners, #Employers our global
business funders and the #GrowingTalentAssociates going on the journey delivers an empowering, confidence boosting experience building connections and support on the journey into work.

The #Orientation and #Holistic week delivers core workplace and personal skills that last a lifetime including accreditation in a global mental health and wellbeing programme in line with #ISO45003 enhancing the onboarding and retention experience with the employer.

An assigned mentor for both the employer and Growing Talent Associates ensures a smooth journey.

Doing things differently:

·     Advertising – via David Steeds & his work coach warriors at JobCentre Plus & partners.

·     Their interested customers join an information session 

·      1st stage selection – Employer Speed Dating – fast, loud with a lot of laughter in the room as people put down their ‘armour’ and be themselves.

·     2nd stage is a 1-2-1 meeting with the employer on their site to find out all
aspects of the role. 

·      Orientation and Holistic week

Finally a mutual evaluation paid period in the permanent role commences. This means at the point permanent contracts are issued, both sides are confident the match is right for them – without a single “what is your strength and weakness” question! 

No recruitment costs either!

Keep doing the same things, you will keep getting the same results.

Thank you to all our collaborative partners over recent times:
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
Pertemps Network Group
Masterfix GB Limited
SPS UK & Ireland
Pilgrims Risk Management Group