Don’t be a fish!


“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid” Albert Einstein

Why do workplaces, society, us individuals insist on changing ‘different’ instead of celebrating it?

Could it be fear of the unknown? Why do individuals mask their neurodivergence – fear of being judged by others? 

Consider the things we take for granted today. We spend huge amounts of money to secure our own yet when they were introduced to market – their innovative creators were seen as odd, and their creations consigned to the ‘that will never work’ bin. 

I’m talking Apple computers, Tesla electric cars and Amazon. Where would we be if Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos had given up at the numerous hurdles they faced getting the unique to market. Never conforming. Doing things their way.

When it comes to Equality Diversity and Inclusion in the work place, are we including brain diversity? I don’t mean IQ levels but the two different types of brain operating systems amongst our awesome teams – neurotypical and neurodivergent?

I don’t think we are there yet. Too many workplace managers are making assumptions about the behaviours they see. Too many talented people are masking, pretending to be something they aren’t to try and fit in. A bit like the fish who cannot climb the tree thinking they are stupid- why should a fish bl**dy try?

A few things to consider as a workplace manager:

  • Most adaptations neurodivergent team members need will benefit the whole team, be cost effective and easy to implement. 
  • ADHD Coaching for your neurodivergent team members is an effective reasonable adjustment which enables them to understand how their ADHD impacts them and how to tame it.
  • Awareness training to understand neurodivergence better is a great starting place for entire teams
  • An assessment for ADHD doesn’t have to be in place before your responsibilities in law kick in (UK).
  • ADHD is protected under disability in the Equalities Act 2010. I understand compensation in this area is uncapped.
  • Access to Work is a UK Government grant increased recently to £69K. Employers and new employees can access this.

As part of my business, I deliver ADHD coaching 1:1 and workplace awareness on neurodivergence and know how much difference each can make. 

Let’s help all the wonderful fish we have in our businesses be fish and not feel they have to be anything else.

What do you think?