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Pathways to Growing Talent begin….
Yesterday I was invited to present the benefits of Growing Talent to Inam’s teams at JobCentre Plus covering Wandsworth and Putney.
Sharing the unique aspects of this established programme with work coaches enthused to learn and share with their customers looking for a different way to get into work was empowering.
We all carry labels in life. Some we covet – employed, home owner, holiday maker, car owner – but others are thrust on us: unemployed, single parent, homeless, care system leaver, domestic abuse survivor.
These labels are heavy to bear, especially when we can have more than one label to carry at a time. Overtime, we can feel more and more invisible as our confidence diminishes. It can be like being in a deep dark pit with no ladder to start climbing out. Growing Talent is that ladder.
Together confidence and self-empowerment starts to grow, then flourishes throughout the journey until people have the self-belief and tools to take control of their lives back, make decisions and fly! Growing their job into a career is seamless opening up lifelong opportunities.
Growing the collaboration of Growing Talent with new stakeholders is exciting.