The curve balls will keep coming……


Have you noticed, just when everything falls into place, life throws a curve ball!

In business, you have to know when to keep going, when to change tactics – but never give up!

Back in December 2021, the funders of Growing Talent decided to run an advertising campaign on London’s tube network. Costing well over five figures, as we were emerging from lockdown it seemed the ideal route to let new employers know about Growing Talent after two years of fluid lockdowns. With so many unemployed through Covid there was a definite ‘win win’ opportunity in mind.

First curve ball – arrival of #Omicron just after contracts were signed! But, amazingly some employers still saw the adverts and got involved despite the light footfall on TFL!

Second curve ball – Growing Talent’s usual home venue for selection was fully booked! Now, we aren’t your usual meeting/training room set-up so finding another venue who ‘got’ what we do was not easy. Luckily, our usual home venue found room at their Flagship!

Third curve ball – with the pressures on JobCentre Plus during Covid, numbers of unemployed applicants for Growing Talent this time was low.

Fourth curve ball – Storm Franklyn arrived bringing with it warnings not to travel. With a couple of employers unable to travel in to London and the risk of potential impact on everyone else travelling in from more local areas, we decided to cancel Growing Talent 28’s Employer Speed dating today. As this is the first stage selection, it’s meant our booked orientation week due next week is also cancelled.

So, how can you make ‘lemonade’ out of this?

The time between now and the new dates will enable more employers and applicants to be involved!

Growing Talent 28 has the potential to be bigger and better than originally planned!

Things will always happen in business and life that we don’t always see coming.

How we look at these things is key to how they impact us.

Lifting my glass of lemonade as I plan the re-schedule of Growing Talent 28.

If you are an employer based in London with permanent jobs to fill, get in touch.

If you know someone is unemployed, lives in London and wants an opportunity, let them know about
