The Dream Team is Back for GT28!


A ‘shout out for Anna & David’

Growing Talent has run for eight years – even running a virtual version during the global pandemic! Now on the 28th programme, we are still lucky to have some of the loudest cheerleaders in JobCentre Plus partnering with us – despite their current workload and the fact we are not a Government provider.

This post is a tribute to Anna & David. Anna moved into a new role last year supporting veterans and their families into work – yet still as passionate and committed to Growing Talent and enabled to still be frontline by her fantastic, enlighten, line management. David of course, now has a massive job leading a large region, trailblazing people with diverse abilities and still cheerleading Growing Talent to his teams.

I’m honoured to work with such passionate, committed people.

Here’s to the fabulous, currently hidden talent we will see go into permanent work with employers on Growing Talent 28 just by working together for a cohesive goal.

My thanks to everyone involved – everyone working at the participating JobCentres to get the clients they feel are right for Growing Talent put forward, to the management for ‘flexing’ the normal regs, to the employers willing to recruit a different way to the funders of Growing Talent for continuing to do the right thing and of course to the new Growing Talent Associates – we grow together!

Watch this space….