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What’s in a name?…….Quite a bit really!

World Mental Health Day 2024 is fast approaching (hashtag#WMHD24 on 10 October) – is your workplace reading?
WMHD is an annual event introduced in 1992 by the World Federation for Mental Health – formed in 1948.
After 32 years of annual awareness days – why do we still need them?
Is the skills we are sharing with our colleagues in the workplace ineffective?
After running Growing Talent for 10 years, delivering hashtag#MHFA as part of the holistic and orientation week for the first half of that time before switching to the proactive, global i-act (for positive mental health and wellbeing) training. Mental Health Training course, I wonder if the clue is in the name.
As an independent consultant in mind health, ADHDCoaching, workplace resilience, EI and inclusive talent identification, I know many employers select MHFA because they believe they are gaining a ‘First Aider’ in Mental Health. Which can be dangerous for both the ‘first aider’ and the person in emotional distress.
Without the solid foundation of empathy, communication, personal safety, how to start, manage and close conversations whilst validating, reassuring and supporting someone, else not only can there be a negative impact on the individuals, but a potential challenge to the business.
Every participant Growing Talent goes through robust training on life and workplace skills as well as being trained in the manager’s level of i-act (for positive mental health and wellbeing) training. Mental Health Training giving them solid skills to look after themselves and those around them.
So, let’s make a difference this year. Make sure any training you select fits what your people and business needs. We can make WMHD everyday!
What has your business got planned for 10 October?