It may not be the Army but…….


From a young age Alex had a driving passion to be in the Army.  Like most parents, his dad felt differently!


Eventually, Alex found his way onto Growing Talent where he was selected by Iron Mountain to train to be a Data Specialist.  Very quickly his future potential has been noticed with a view to going into projects!


Since joining Growing Talent a few short weeks ago, Alex has risen to every challenge showing commitment to his fellow Associates as well as to Iron Mountain.  Unusually, Alex was aware of Iron Mountain before joining Growing Talent – his brother worked there previously.


Showing flexibility, commitment and drive, Alex has been snapped up into a permanent role effective 29 June – four weeks early!  With a bright future ahead full of potential and opportunity.


Alex with Dave Flowers

Alex with Dave – a member of the management team at Iron Mountain.  This was just a couple of weeks into Growing Talent.  Already Alex was looking very comfortable in his high vis jacket!