So many information pathways from just one video!…..


Working with diverse people from all social economic and life backgrounds, I experienced a lightbulb moment when I stumbled across this video featuring Maddy Alexander-Grout speaking with Roei-Samuel on his Big Risk Energy YouTube channel.

I first heard about Maddy through a half page spread in the Daily Telegraph over the weekend talking about the lack of finance understanding ADHD minds can have.

Maddy gave clear insight into the diverse life experiences she has gone through and ultimately conquered whilst dealing with undiagnosed ADHD.

Everyone should watch this video. It inspires in many areas including:

  • What it’s like to go through university and being targeted by loans/credit companies
  • Free money – isn’t really free money
  • How debt can creep up and how you cannot run away from it
  • Starting multiple businesses that are successful but then circumstances beyond your control hit
  • Bouncing back
  • Experiencing post partum psychosis 
  • Building a business with the sole aim of helping people
  • Going from £40K of debt to financial coach
  • Setting up the Mad About Money app – a community for all people talking finance – business and individuals.
  • Learning about due diligence
  • Bouncing back

Maddy did all of the above with undiagnosed ADHD. Her humour, honesty and integrity is clear and the interviewing style of Roei-Samuel of Big Risk Energy is the best I’ve seen in a long time. Enabling your guest to finish their sentences, not talking over them – mainstream media could learn a thing or two!

For the workplace, understanding some of the issues some neurodiverse people live with, will keep that talent in the business and make it more energised and inclusive breaking down barriers caused by assumptions.

What do you think?