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The cherry on top….

….. Is knowing every completing Growing Talent Associate has grown!
At the end of each Holistic Week, we ask the Associates to give some insider knowledge to those following them. Something they would have liked to know at the start. Below are some thoughts….
‘Sort out your travel with JobCentre Plus straight away and send them your receipts as soon as you buy your tickets. Do it in advance. Leaving it to the last minute means it will take longer to sort out’. Tara
‘You will learn so much more through Growing Talent than you would have previously imagined and have a lot of fun in the process. Have an open mind as opportunities can arise where you thought there weren’t be any. Be prepared to be adaptable!’ Victoria
‘You are here because others saw something special in you. Believe it and in the end you will go further than you thought you would.’ Charizelle.
In addition we ask for a quote Associates would be happy to have included in future Orientation and Holistic manuals.
‘At the beginning of Growing Talent, I didn’t think I’d even make it to the first stage but I went with it and gave it my best shot. Now that I am completing, I feel confident and equipped to go further than I thought my limit was.’ Charizelle
‘Try your best at all times and use every situation as an opportunity to show what you can do – show your potential. Network and build positive relationships. You will meet some fantastic people through out this journey who will have your back and support you.’ Victoria
‘Everyone that’s behind Growing Talent believes in you. You will notice how quickly you start to believe in yourself too. You never feel alone, even when you are on placement. All you have to do is send a text and any issue will be dealt with’. Tara