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A thought for New Year’s Eve & Beyond!

A unique return flight from holiday last night highlighted to me how humans don’t always learn from experience.
As we approached Gatwick in the strong winds, mid descent, the plane suddenly pulled out of the descent and soared upwards. The exit lights lit up.
Condensation was visible on the inside of the cabin – not comforting after the recent flood pictures of the euro tunnel!
A state of panic was rising amongst the passengers as the crew announced they couldn’t land and more news would follow shorty!
I’m sure I wasn’t the only one considering my last day had arrived.
The sharp intake of breath could be heard as the pilot announced they were going to try landing again. After a very bumpy touchdown, a round of applause rang out from the passengers grateful to the nerves of steel of the crew and relief their last day had not arrived.
But then all of the above thoughts were forgotten as people unbuckled their seatbelts – before the sign went off- to be the first to get their hand luggage out of the overhead lockers – even though the doors weren’t open and no one could go anywhere! Forget about the wait ahead to get through passport control and baggage reclaim!
Why do we rush through life without stopping to think about the impact we have on others?
On this New Year’s Eve may you have a wonderful time with your close ones, enjoy their company, make some great memories because, for me, that’s what is really important in life.
A wonderful 2024 for you and yours.