Catch-up with James & Chelsea


What a professional group of people above!  Left to right are Darren, Reshma, James & Chelsea!


Based in the heart of Fleet Street, Wilson James provides security and a wide range of business support and logistics services.  With a diverse client base, the opportunity to work with them opens a multitude of growth pathways.


James and Chelsea


I wasn’t surprised to hear from Chelsea and James just how much diverse experience and learning they have managed to pack in during their four short weeks on site.  This has only been possible by the support and encouragement of the Wilson James team.




James completed the cctv course and then had the opportunity to work with Darren Berry to learn about MS Project and documentation connected with a smooth mobilisation.   He’s enjoying the variety or work including some site visits.



Chelsea’s experience so far has been as interesting and varied!  Supporting Charlie, London Director, with day-to-day business, organising files/databases she’s also been involved in the recruitment of staff!  Researching and matching cvs, carrying out initial telephone interviews and being involved in the assessment stage.   One achievement she was rightly very pleased about was securing the top score on a security film observation test – 23!


As I made the guys have photos done, it was only fair I did to – thanks Reshma for doing the honours!


Team WJ


With still more for James and Chelsea to learn, the growth of their talent continues………………………… watch this space!