Growing Talent – Is Just The Starting Point……


Growing Talent is an ‘open door’ opportunity.  It enables unemployed people to secure permanent jobs without trying to ‘sell’ themselves in a traditional interview.


The ‘test drive’ method works.   Training in a vacant role before being employed enables both sides to be confident of the match.  But the story doesn’t end there!  So many of the Growing Talent Graduates have gone on to a deeper journey gaining additional qualifications and promotions.


Recently I had contact with Jose who had a background in hospitality from his family’s hotel business in Maderia and little English when he arrived in the UK.  Part qualified in HR on joining Growing Talent, he wanted to focus on HR and not hospitality.  Securing an opportunity with Harrow Green has HR Assistant he shared his rise over the three years since joining Harrow Green through Growing Talent.  He completed his HR qualifications and is now finalising his Masters in HR and is HR Advisor to Harrow Green and their parent Restore.


Jose is a fabulous role model.  He stepped through Growing Talent’s door and then saw the opportunities for progression himself.


Other journey’s are not so straightforward, but Anna proves below you can still end up at the destination you want you just need to think differently and believe in yourself…..



Anna didn’t complete Growing Talent and took a contract role with a transport organisation.  This enabled her to study for her Masters at night.  Now she just has to write her Dissertation.  A hectic, full on period but Anna’s tenacity has paid off.


It doesn’t matter what hurdles present themselves, there is always a way to achieve what you want.


Follow Jose, Anna & all Growing Talent Associates/Graduates and plan your journey!