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Social Media – Good or Bad Thing?
Today JD Weatherspoons closed their Facebook and Twitter accounts after rising concern on the trolling of MPs and the apparent compulsive addiction to using social media 24/7!
Simon Sinek – the British American motivation and PR consultant, has a really interesting film on millennials highlighting the impact of social media in their lives:
Simon has several other videos on YouTube. Thought provoking.
A serious message. How guilty are we all in our use of technology in work, the home and during our ‘leisure’ time?
Will more businesses shrink away from social media? J D Weatherspoons has over 900 social media accounts and strongly believe deleting social media will not affect their presence in the market.
In addition and ahead of the new GDPR, the company has also deleted its in excess of 700,000 personal email database. Used for marketing purposes…
So, what do you think? Will more businesses follow?
Should individuals consider deleting their accounts? Is there a checklist for individuals to evaluate their use to see if this is compulsive? I don’t know of one, but I do know a lot of people who are as described in Simon’s film.
- Maybe there should be a checklist?
- Maybe we should only class ‘friends’ as those who we see, know what they look like, those who are physically there for you….
- Was the world a better place before Social Media? Or is it more about balance and discipline?
- Does Social Media still have a place in our society?